I've been stalking this and other forums for a few years but never had any extensions myself. Now, however, I am sooo tired of my hair that I'm going insane and I don't know what to do with it! I am sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong forum but I need advice or tips and things.
I'm contemplating shaving it all off. Or cutting it all off. Or dying it some sort of rattish-brown. (Is that a colour in english as well?) But I can't decide what I want either. And I think everything will look weird because I have no experience. So I need helppp.
So: my hair currently reaches to my chin. It's a bit shorter in the back than in the front since I have some sort of bob-cut. I am either thinking of adding extensions - either human hair or shapeshifter ones, I don't know which colour yet, or making real dreads and lengthening them. And I kind of want a side cut. What should I do? Is it hard to install extensions on yourself? Which technique do you recommend? I like to braid my hair whenever it's longer or do some sort of up-dos, what will be the least noticeable? I'm thinking that perhaps I can glue the hair in using fusion? Will it damage my hair a lot? Is my hair too short still? Will it look strange?
Currently I'm leaning towards getting a sidecut and having different green coloured extensions to around shoulder length or a little longer. Or maybe purple. Or red/orange. What do you think?
Aaahg. Help me! Any advice whatsoever on colours or hairstyles or tips on how to apply extensions is very very welcome.

this is what my hair looks like if it's having a good day.

or like this. sorry for bad quality pictures, I don't have any others at the moment.
(http://chocolateoatmilk.tumblr.com/tagged/me here are more pictures, should you want to see them.)