what hair and skin tips do you have that you would like to share with us all!
I will start:
If you do not have any protection for your hair whilst on the beach-use your sun cream on it.and wash out afterwards-you may stuggle a little with oil-i would recommend just using creams.. 8)
No matter how long you leave a normal conditioner on your hair-it will do exactly the same as if it was left on for 2 seconds-they are not designed to penetrate thru the cuticle of the hair like intesnsive treatments-they are designed to lay your cuticles flat only-thus creating smooth hair(think of your cuticles as roof tiles-when hair is dry and damaged they stick up-when its smooth and soft they lie flat like a roof tile should be)
Head and shoulders/vosene and any anti dandruff shampoo will all strip your hair of colour(the sun is bad enough).they are nasty shampoos.the best remedy for anti dandruff is T gel.all supermarket anti dandruff shampoos do-is strip the top layer of your scalp and colour(the dandruffy bits will be gone for a few days,but it will always come back.you need to massage the scalp to produce the oils and use T gel(beautiful product)
when i worked in a salon we used to refuse anyone perms or colours that had been using any two in one shampoos-perms https://shampoority.com/dry-shampoos-for-black-hair/ dont take too well,and colours certainly dont.its horrible stuff,that leaves your hair feeling coated with product.
and last one-If you are a regular user of hair wax(which will also protect your hair from damage)-never ever put water on first when you come to wash the product out-the wax creates a film which water is unable to penetrate thru(like when a duck gets wet)to remove the wax you need to put the shampoo on dry hair,shampoo it in well,then rinse with warm water and wash as normal-the wax film will then be gone!

hope this has been of help to someone!
look forward to reading anyone elses tips.