Hello everyone My name is Pixie. Im from Brighton the south of the K, but i also live near grimsby where I study.
Im new to this forum, but I am by no meansnew to the wonderful world of hair. I am a photographer but I have may intrests such as body modifications, egyptology, te mighty boosh... etc
n the way of fake hair I tend to specialise in corridale wool dreadlocks, however i have exprence with crin, foam and synthetic. I started out by making my own dreadlocks, I then started making dreadlocks for freinds and my business developed from there. I have taken a break from selling dreadlocks because in september I started University, studying Photography.
Random info about me: Im a very proud Brightonian, Im looking to experiment with hair for myself rather than for others, I have alot of tattoos and alot of piercings. My hair is always green, maybe ill have accents of other colours.... I wont flood this thread with radom info about myself.
I have not been on this forum for long but already I am adoring what i see, may come across quiet but its simply because im overwhelmed with studies and i tend to go long periods of times without posting, but i do lurk

and i reply when and where i can.
Here is a face to the name: