I woz lurking around a bit here before I put in my dreads looking for photos of wool roving mixes but I didnt find so many, so thought I shud post. This was a rushed accidental job but I reckon turned out nice.

I made the roving dreads myself (my first time) I didnt want to use all roving, as I wanted different textures and a more natural and messy look, I guess. I bought some cheapo collinette type stuff online and I bought a few bright red synthetic curly dreads offa the lovely lady that did the install for me (Kandihaar Dreads)

I have only ever worn synthetic hair before and this is so much lighter and snuggly!!
These pics were taken about 10 days after they had been put in. I couldnt find any good ones that were taken sooner when they were mint-sorry!!
The manufactured collinette type stuff I used was nowhere near as nice as the roving and it was the hardest to take out, as some had dreaded into my own hair (this didnt happen with the roving). I could cut it though, to whatever length I wanted and it lessened the volume of my big hair.

I think the curly synth dreads look really cool against the wool. I def want to do another wool/synth/collinette mix
I wud appreciate feedback and ideas/pictures of cool roving mixes